PROJECTS - Resource Extractor
Resource Extractor

Resource Extractor extracts built-in
resources from Win32 executable file types. Such resources are icons,
bitmaps, sounds, animations, etc. You could use a file mask (For
example: C:\WINDOWS\*.*
) for batch processing. It is
possible to avoid the extraction of specified resource types.
Resource Extractor saves extracted
resources in files named
in four folders depending on the resource type. These folders are named:
, cursors
, icons
for all other resource compiler data (may
contain arbitrary file types). By default, these folders are
located in Resource Extractor directory,
but you can change this from the Options dialog.
I created Resource Extractor in the year of 2000, when I did not found free tool for batch resource extraction. Now with minor updates I decide to publish it. I cannot promise it will fit your needs, nor I will support it, but you can use it for free, now and forever. Anyway if you have any questions about how it is done or how to use it, use my message board.
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- Resource Extractor version 1.0 - Download size: 366994 (Last modified: Tuesday, 08-Aug-2017 16:10:26 EDT)