PROJECTS - Show Traffic
Show Traffic

Show Traffic - monitors network traffic on the chosen network interface and displays it continuously. It could be used for locating suspicious network traffic or to evaluate current utilization of the network interface.
When I discovered Trafshow for Linux (Copyright © 1993-1997 JSC Rinet, Novosibirsk, Russia) I decided to create something like a Windows version of this usable software. Show Traffic was completely rewritten. It is not a Windows port of Trafshow.
If you have any requests or questions please contact me.
Usage hints
It might take some time to display traffic information after
starting network monitoring, when Resolve addresses
is ON. If
you switch it on the fly, it effects only on new connections. Please turn
it ON only if you really need it. Once resolved Show
Traffic is using its own resolve caching system. Addresses cache
got lost when you close the program.
When monitoring is started Show Traffic could decrease network performance of your computer if there is too much network traffic to handle.
If you are wondering how to get rid of About dialog, press Esc or Alt + F4 or Right click or Double left click ;)
- 27.07.2008 - version 1.7.0
- Changed the way data is filled. Thanks to Adam Bailey for the source code and the support!
- Added new column for packet count. Thanks to Adam Bailey for the source code and the support!
- Added "Do not use promiscuous mode" option
- Added the Data counter in the status bar. Keep in mind that Show Traffic works with all data including packet headers and all statistics except the Data counter shows the total traffic count, including packet headers.
- Changed installer. Now it gives the user option to download WinPcap instead of including the setup inside.
- 11.12.2005 - version 1.6.0
- Packet list now stay filled after pressing the stop button
- Added "Freeze" button to temporary freeze the traffic list, so you can take a better look at the traffic without stopping the capture (and logging).
- Added "Clear" button to delete all the traffic from the list
- Added CSV and CSV + HEX data logging modes :) at last
- Selecting "Copy selected lines" from the context menu will copy to clipboard information for all the selected lines (src ip, src port, dest ip, dest port
- Changed the log date/time format to - hh:mm:ss:mmm for easier sorting
- Included WinPcap 3.1
- 11.04.2005 - version 1.5.1
- Fixed crash when WinPcap is not installed.
- Fixed incorrect average speed (was same as the current speed)
- 06.02.2005 - version 1.5.0
- Added support for WinPcap filters.
- Fixed some problems with adapter lists.
- Many minor changes
- Included WinPcap 3.0
- 10.04.2003 - version 1.4.1
- Fixed a bug, which causes a crash when using log files functionality to log data without packet headers
- 27.11.2002 - version 1.4.0
- Added log files functionality
- 25.10.2002 - version 1.3.0
- First Open Source version released under the terms of the BSD license
- 06.04.2002 - Released version 1.2.0
- Included WinPcap version 2.3. Now runs under MS Windows XP
- 19.03.2002 - Released version 1.0.1
- Fixed support for network types other than Ethernet and Token Ring (including PPP)
Show Traffic is released under the terms of the BSD license - Copyright Demosten © 2001-2008
This article is translated to Serbo-Croatian language by Jovana Milutinovich from
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versions of Show Traffic
Latest version (1.7.0) download:
Show Traffic setup
Show Traffic source code without WDPack
Show Traffic full source code (WDPack included)